Crime and Punishment 1998


A man who is haunted by a murder he committed.

Tous les titres
  • US: Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment
  • BR: Crime e Castigo Crime e Castigo
  • BG: Престъпление и наказание Престъпление и наказание
  • US: Zlocin a trest Zlocin a trest
  • FI: Rikos ja rangaistus Rikos ja rangaistus
  • FR: Crime et châtiment Crime et châtiment
  • DE: Schuld und Sühne Schuld und Sühne
  • HU: Bűn és bűnhődés Bűn és bűnhődés
  • IT: Delitto e castigo Delitto e castigo
  • PL: Zbrodnia i kara Zbrodnia i kara
  • PT: Crime e Castigo Crime e Castigo
  • RO: Crima si pedeapsa Crima si pedeapsa
  • RU: Преступление и наказание Преступление и наказание
  • ES: Crimen y castigo Crimen y castigo
  • SE: Brott och straff Brott och straff
  • US: Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment
  • US: Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment
Date de sortie 11 Oct 1998
Lien IMDb
